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✅ Medical Plants for the Eye Health

Medical Plants for the Eye Health

Eye is one of the vital organs for humans. When you get interference with the organs of sight, it certainly can interfere with the various activities undertaken in everyday life. Maintaining the health of the eye becomes certainly important to be done, including by consuming vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin A. In addition, you should also know several medicinal plants for the eye health that may be useful to help solve some of the problems or eye health problems emerging.

Medical Plants for the Eye Health

Betel leaf

The leaves of the betel plant are already believed to treat eye disorders since the first. How to take advantage of betel leaves are also quite easy. You can boil five betel leaves and then after a cold, you can shed the cooking water to your eyes.


Besides betel leaf, noni fruit could also be used to treat disorders of the eye. How to use this fruit is also quite easy. Two ripped noni fruit can be shredded or crushed and then added with a glass of palm wine and mixed evenly. The mixture is then squeezed and filtered for drinking.

Jasmine leaf

The other medical plants for the eye health are jasmine leaf. Jasmine leaf can accelerate the healing process, especially disorders of the eye health like myopia. The way is to take a handful of fresh jasmine leaves until finely were then placed on the area around the eyes. When the jasmine leaf dries, you can replace them with new ones. You can do this compress on a regular basis during the healing process.